Speaking Events, Podcasts, Summits I’ve been on:


Beyond Sugar Freedom Podcast

A deep dive conversation on the importance of muscle in all areas of our life especially insulin sensitivity and metabolic health.

Wings of Inspired Business Podcast

How to Reinvent Your Life:
Why Losing Everything is Sometimes What It Takes To Win

Better! with Dr. Stephanie Podcast

TheĀ Key To A Healthy & Strong Body

B.rad Podcast

It's a lot easier to stay lean when you have more muscle.

Radical Emotional Acceptance

Religions, cults, breakups, and the emotions of fear, shame, confusion, gratitude, and inner children.

The Shredded Show

The Reality of Body Transformations with Tara Garrison

High Intensity Health with Mike Mutzel

Toned Muscle is a Lie, Build Muscle to Look FitĀ 

Wellness & Wisdom Podcast with Josh Trent

The 4 Peaks of Truth- How to Get Back Into Alignment

Fat Burning Man Podcast with Abel James

Keto Scams, Lifting and Intermittent Fasting for Women

Keto Kamp Podcast with Ben Azadi

The Problems with Long-Term Ketosis and How to Practice Cyclical Short Term Keto


The Fit & Fabulous Podcast with Dr. Jaime Seeman

Tara Garrison | CEO of Higher Health & Life Coaching

The Key Nutrition Podcast with Brad Jensen 

The Myths around Keto & Carbs

The Key Nutrition Podcast with Brad Jensen

Getting Healthy from the Inside Out with Tara Garrison

Human Performance Outliers Podcast with Zach Bitter

Full Spectrum of Fitness & Nutrition

Health Coach Radio by The Primal Health Coach Institute

Your Wisdom is Your Biggest Coaching Asset

The Health Detective Podcast by Functional Diagnostic Nutrition

Entrepreneurship, Strength Training & Coaching Celebrities

The Circle of Knowledge Podcast with Jon Kovach Jr. 

Transformational Connection between Mental Health & Gut Health

The Circle of Knowledge Podcast with Jon Kovach Jr. 

Health is the Backbone of Success - Get Metabolically Flexible

Faster Way Podcast with Amanda Tress

Tara Garrison on Keto, Emotional Eating & Tracking Macros

Midlife Conversations Natalie Jill

The Importance of Building Muscle in Midlife

Accelerated Health TV & Radio

Downside of Extreme Fitness

Accelerated Health TV & Radio

Negative Effects of Binge Restrict & Diet Cycles

Living Unscripted Podcast with Caitlin Hansen & Brook Mangum

Get Higher [Coaching] with Tara Garrison

Mother of Reinvention Podcast with Meagan Francis

Work Your Edge to Transform Your Life

The Ketones N Coffee Podcast with Lorenz

The Keto In & Out System with Coach Tara Garrison

Wings Podcast

How to Reinvent Your Life: Why Losing Everything is Sometimes What It Takes To Win


Inquiries re Speaking Engagements, Podcasts, Events, Summits:

Please leave your message below.